Exercise 2: Web 2.0 Digital Footprint

Web 2.0 Digital Identity                                                                                            

Evaluate your current digital footprint. Is your identity passive or do you already manipulate how Google, yahoo or “deep Web” search engine sites such as Pipl, 123people, Peoplefinders, PeekYou, Spokeo, Wink, and ZabaSearchshow about you. As new media practitioners, you are going to have to create and manage a professional digital identity and make sure it represents you well.
Part 1:Individually

Search your name.

Ask yourself:

1) what does your current digital footprint says about you,

2) Would you want an employer or teacher to see that? What do you want it to show and say?

In your wordpress blog, create a post of your answers using the categories and tags: mpm17, assignment1, web 2.0 digital identity.  If you are not comfortable making this post public, make it password protected and email me the password.

Step 2:(in groups)

Look at each others digital identity. what does it say about your peer?

Step 3: In Groups

Research how to establish your digital footprint using web 2.0 technologies (facebook, wordpress, flickr, youtube and others) and how to create a data trail that can be searched and found via keywords.

Step 4: Make sure your blog shows up 1st in search engines.

  1. Connor Crawford says:

    I’m new to wordpress and can’t seem to figure out tags as I know them, IE youtube. It seems it’s asking for a description for each tag, and I’m not sure If I’m posting the tags with each specific blog post or just… making tags for later use?

  2. alxbal says:

    Post the url of your steps 1 and 2 here!

  3. loadingshoe says:

    Vitali Zatroutine:

    My Digital Footprint

    Here’s Mine!

    • alxbal says:

      Good question!
      1 page = 1 word document page = 400 words… I will rectify the assignment 3 page to be in word count instead of pages (I assume that is ewhat the question was for), thanks!

  4. evinlachance says:

    I just noticed we had to post our URL links.
    They have been done for a week but I just haven’t posted them here.
    Forgive me.. 🙂

    http://evinlachance.wordpress.com/2010/09/15/digital-footprint/ (assignment 1 step 1)
    http://evinlachance.wordpress.com/2010/09/15/18/ (assignment 1 step 2)

  5. kirbinator says:

    So I had step one done on time (and step 2) but only realized now I hadn’t posted them to the blog. AWESOME.

    My blog address is
    and everything is on there – progress reports, reflections, everything.

    And I apologize now for the fact that I cannot for the life of me remember how to post a link. I know how when that little chain icon is there, but I don’t see it here. Sorry for my lamesauce-ness.

  6. mfabijanic says:

    (Mathew Fabijanic)
    Assignment 1:Step 1

    Assignment 1: Step 1

    Assignment 1: Step 2

    Assignment 1: Step 2

  7. mfabijanic says:

    (Mathew Fabijanic)
    Here is my response to the group question/brainstorming session about improving your page rank within a google search..
    web 2.0 Digital Footprint (google search)

    Assignment 1: Web 2.0 Digital Footprint (Google Search)

  8. Connor Olthuis – group Brainstorm post

    How to be found.

  9. Ignore the above two posts, i posted my responses to the mpm 17 wall by mistake.
    step 1: http://nsahota1.wordpress.com/2010/09/25/step-1-assignment-1/
    step 2: http://nsahota1.wordpress.com/2010/09/25/step-2-digital-footprint/

  10. kirbinator says:

    I ADDED SOME MORE STUFF TO STEP FOUR, just FYI. so the link remains the same, but there is now more fun times there

  11. loadingshoe says:

    What did I learn from this process?

    Step 4. Sorry it took so long, but we did talk about it :).

  12. I’ve sent you an email with my Step 4 last week, but just in case, I’m going to post the link to my blog here as well.

    Step 4:

    Assignment 1: Web 2.0 Digital Footprint : Step 4

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